Friday, April 1, 2016

Human 'nature' and the Nature

It is possible that some people will find the nature talk boring and some will find it very interesting and educational. As we all know that we are moving rapidly  towards new technology world where everyday there is a new invention, new idea, new venture etc. We all are very proud of it. Technology has brought us to this level that a man who took month to reach one country to another can reach there within few hours. The moon which was just shining object in sky has been landed over by many great astronauts. And other planets are not much far away. We have created many types of technologies which can provide us millions of benefits. It all seems that any thing is possible in future. Imagine if man discovered 'how to become invisible'. Well! jokes apart. Although we have achieved so much in every field today but we have neglected a very very important part of our life i.e. our closest friend Environment.
We see in the movies the nature depicted in earlier times with lush green mountains , greenery everywhere, clean water resources.  People used to worship Mother Nature.  But gradually all these things are altered. Following are some facts which I want to share with everyone ( Source- Internet);

1.The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by 34% since the 17th century and is continuing to rise.
2. Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people
3Climate change is a real and imminent threat.
4. Oil spills and industrial waste flowing ing water bodies is killling hundreds of species.
5Children contribute to only 10% of the world’s pollution but are prone to 40% of global disease.
6. Children contribute to only 10% of the world’s pollution but are prone to 40% of global disease.
7. Rapid deforestation is killing many forest species and is big cause of climate change.
All these problems are by products of our development which we ignore to observe. But no longer we should ignore these warning signs of degrading nature other wise it will be too late to regret.

It is very natural for us humans to achieve more but this should not be done at cost of internet. What will be the fun of living if we have lots of money but no clean water to drink, no trees to get clean environment and with frequently occurring natural disasters? All of this can be averted by following simple steps by each one of us. Following are some tips I want to share to conserve our environment:
1. Spread awareness: As we live in technology age we can spread awareness through these technologies. Social networking is great way to go.
2.Reduce food wastage: Millions of people sleep hungry every night. we can do a little favour to them.
3. Go green: use electronic services which can be substitute for using paper. Such as e-bills, e-newspaper etc. We can also promote environment friendly technology.
4. Use public transport: Go challenge your status quo, it will be fun.
5. Afforestation; Grow more trees than you cut. It will keep a balance,
6. Solar technology: It is little expensive but in long run it will pay us great benefits.
7. Proper Waste Disposal
8. Save waterTurning off the water between wetting your toothbrush and rinsing your mouth is one of the simplest and most effective ways to save water while brushing your teeth. The University of Illinois calculates that shutting off the tap instead of letting it run continuously will save your family up to 10 gallons of water daily. Sounds interesting. 

9. INNOVATE: Discover more ideas with conserving our environment.

10. Own the Nature: When we have sense of ownership toward something we really take care of it. 

Keeping it short there are many more ways through which we can save our environment.  We have to star it as fast as we can.  

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